In East Tennessee Da?odils and Dogwoods mark the beginning of Spring. With the explosion of color comes warmer te opportunies to escape the cabin fever of Winter. Knoxville o?ers a plethora of festivals and outdoor ac embrace Spring and head outdoors.
March 3 o?ers the Young-Williams 11th Annual Mardi Growl Pet Parade and Party on the streets of downtown Knoxville Knoxville animal lovers and their prized pets will participate in a parade and costume contest with live music, street ven your pet would like to participate in the parade, registration is $15 athttps://mardigrowl.org/register/or $20 the day of the event.
Ijams Nature Center o?ers outdoor events all month long. On March 4 learn to build a birdhouse with Ijams DIY for the pre-registration is required and supplies are provided with a $20 entrance fee. For nature loving li Nature Nuggets: Magical Muddiness (ages 2-4). Kids can get down and dirty with mud as they learn about nature. For the other Ijams events visit https://www.eventbrite.com/o/ijams-nature-center-13227835188.
Knoxville will play host to the annual Big Ears Festival, March 22-25. Enjoy live music as you explore a variety of music g all over town. Prices for events vary so check out https://bigearsfestival.org/ for details. Wishing You a Happy Spring!