Knox Happenings Newsletter – March 2022
Finding an Honest Home Improvement Contractor You can’t call yourself a dentist unless you have specific hard-earned credentials. Just about anyone, however, can hang a shingle and call themselves a home improvement contract...Knox Happenings Newsletter – February 2022
How to Get the Buyer’s Perspective on your Property When you walk through the front door of your home, you have a very different experience than a buyer would. You see the familiar. You see the memories. You see your life...Knox Happenings Newsletter – January 2022
Fire Safety Checks You Should Do at Least Once a Year Chances are, you know that you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors at least once a year — even if you suspect the batteries are still good. But that isn'...Knox Happenings Newsletter – November 2021
Hi, Eventually, just about all homeowners get to the point where they think about moving. Some want to upsize, some want to downsize, while others just want a change. No matter what the motivation, the decision isn’t always an easy ...Knox Happenings Newsletter – October 2021
Conquering the Fear of Paying too Much for a Home You’ve heard of “buyer’s regret”. It refers to purchasing a pricey item, like a fancy sweater or a new car, and then regretting it the next day because you think you paid to...Knox Happenings Newsletter – September 2021
Have you ever had a question about real estate and struggled to find the answer? Perhaps you Googled the question and got inundated with hundreds of pages of content, much of it unhelpful. Or, maybe you asked friends and neighbors and re...Knox Happenings Newsletter – August 2021
The Latest in Kitchen Fire Prevention – What You Need to Know More fires start in the kitchen than in any other room. These fires can be expensive; since even a minor incident, with no injuries, can result in significant damage. Th...Knox Happenings Newsletter – July 2021
You’ve heard of the term “curb appeal”. It refers to the initial impression buyers get when they first see your property from the street. If the impression is a good one, it sets the right tone for the rest of the home viewing.